Our History
With a vision for transforming a community through the power of Jesus, the ministry of Mission First began in 1999 with the conversion of the blighted Rosedown Apartments in the Westpark Neighborhood of Jackson. This property became a community center providing access to medical and dental clinics, legal aid, and afterschool care.
From the beginning, board members had a vision for the potential impact of an early learning program to reach the youngest members of our community. Mission First’s Executive Director, Lee Thigpen, and others did extensive research into the need and benefits of early childhood education. A grant from the W. E. Walker Foundation allowed Mission First to conduct an exhaustive study for the proposed school, which led to a business plan for The Early Learning Center.
The study confirmed that classroom readiness is a major obstacle to student success in Mississippi. Children who struggle with learning early in their schooling—whether due to lack of preparation, support, or readiness—are likely to become frustrated. This frustration often sets the tone of defeat for the rest of a child’s educational experience. Without the promise of a seat in a public program or the financial capability of paying for an independent program, it was clear that families in the community needed an alternative to provide a solid educational foundation for their children.
Beyond meeting educational needs with quality curriculum and instruction, Mission First realized they were also uniquely suited to meet the children’s spiritual needs. Paying for private, faith-based education can be expensive for parents, especially if they are paying for tuition for more than one child. As a member of the Mississippi Association of Independent Schools (MAIS), the Mission First Early Learning Center is equipped to provide an excellent, Christ-centered, affordable education.